Indya Murray –
ONLY Candidate Running
for Tarrant County Sheriff to Receive
the Gun Sense Candidate Distinction.
Right here, not giving speeches around the country
Putting the job first, not partisan politics.
Prioritizing the duties of the Sheriff’s Office

Indya Murray For Tarrant County Sheriff
“This week I filed for the office of Tarrant County Sheriff. As a law enforcement officer, mother, and community leader I believe the position of Sheriff deserves a steward who will seek to be an effective manager and most important someone who will stop playing politics with people’s lives.
There are serious issues facing the Sheriff’s department including staffing shortages, low morale, failed jail inspections, and a jail death rate that is far too high. Over the coming months I look forward to building a broad coalition of people who believe we can do better. I am excited to meet you and to earn your vote.”